
You are free to join every course offered by our universty. Only sometimes there are limited seats or specific requirements - please keep that in mind. Notice that our university usually offers more courses in English during the summer term than during the winter term.

International Business Courses and Seminars

  • International Business Courses
    During the whole Semester
  • Irregular Courses
    Held by guest lecturers or for events like the Summer School - only for a short period of time
  • Seminars
    Please contact the person offering the seminar for further information

We collected for you a List of all courses and seminars in English (PDF).

(We are working on updating this list, please contact our student assistants for your Learning Agreement)

Language Courses

If you like, you can attend language courses (especially German courses) at the Unversity of Kaiserslautern offered by the organisation "VKB e.V."


Course Registration for Exchange Students

Go to 'KIS-system' and select the semester you are looking for on the left-hand side. The courses are listed by the institutes which offer them. You can see which institute or course of studies belongs to which department.

Complete the course selection form with all courses you wish to take and print it out. Take this document to the "Exchange Coordinator - Incomer" (Faculty of Business Studies and Economics) and have him/her check and sign it.

Please note: You will only be signed up for the courses if the "Exchange Coordinator" has signed your course selection form and you have turned it to him/her until November 30th (winter term) / May 31st (summer term) latest.

Your course registration is binding and cannot be changed any more once the registration process is completed. Please keep the deadlines for registration in mind.