Haaß Summer School Veranstaltung "Digital Transformation from a Farming Perspective"

Wir danken dem Förderverein Digital Farming e.V. für die netten Wünsche zum Start unserer Haaß Summer School 2020!


"The friends of digital farming e.V. wish all participants of the Haas Summer School 2020 edition titled “digital transformation from a management, technology and farming perspective” a successful month of great learning experience and enlightening insights with leading scientists. During the lecture series “digital transformation from a farming perspective” participants learn from Prof. Patrick Noack/HS Weihenstephan Triesdorf the basics of digital farming technologies, components and products. Prof. Markus Frank/HS Nuertingen will share his experience how Agricultural Systems of the Future will look like. Dr. Christian Stauf/TU Kaiserslautern will talk about intellectual property in the field of digital farming. Finally, the participants transfer the learnings in a business model case study, how digital products enable farmers growing new crops with less risk and better returns, led by Dr. Matthias Nachtmann/Friends of digital farming & BASF SE.


The friends of digital farming support the Haas Summer School to foster new thinking for innovative solutions. The promotion of young talents, research and development of new technologies, as well as the testing of new business models play a decisive role to optimize yields and food quality while preserving natural resources. We are excited, the planned number of online attendees was exceeded by factor of three. This not only confirms scalability is one of the digital benefits, but also TU Kaiserslautern is one of the growing hubs for new thinking in digital farming. For details see international.wiwi.uni-kl.de/haass-summer-school/


We would like to thank especially all attendees for their great interest and positive feedback as well as the Prof. Gordon Müller-Seitz, Ronja Schlemminger and Moritz Brandauer for running the program as well as Prof. Schmitt and Prof. Liggesmeyer for advice how to connect the summer school engagement with the to be established digital farming chair at department of Informatics."